Tuesday 4 September 2018

I'm Back Like I Left Something

Hi Internet,

Weirdly, this little blog still gets regular views, even though it hasn't been updated for nearly 6 years. I've read back a few of the old posts and they are pretty cringey. Both in content and grammar. Hopefully I am a little bit less so, now that I am in my 30's. Probably not, though. I don't even remember writing some of them, or even thinking any of the thoughts I vocalised. I considered deleting them. But they are a part of my history, and my blogs history, so it seems right that they stay. Plus, the blog post on Jared Leto has hundreds of views, and I am unlikely to reach the same level again.

I'm not sure what made me revisit this today. But here I am.

I don't know what I am going to turn this in to, but I like the idea of having an outlet for my thoughts, even if nobody ever reads them. Feels quite cathartic to get them out into the universe. Do people even blog anymore? No matters anyway - I've never been one for trying to keep up with the cool kids. As emphasised by my use of the phrase "cool kids".

Let's see how I long I keep this up for.