Wednesday 28 October 2009

Top Five: Movie Tearjerkers *SPOILERIFIC*

5. Marley & Me
Admittedly not one of the best films ever, but, and I am a little ashamed to admit it, this film made me cry more than anything else I have ever seen. We are talking full blown tears. My sleeves were soaked where I was wiping my eyes. Suffice to say, I looked particularly special by the time the film ended. I refuse to watch this movie again. The long and very drawn out demise of Marley is too much for me to take.

4. Pearl Harbor
Again, admittedly, this film is pretty poor. And yet I have seen it multiple times. I am not entirely sure why, although I don't think the fact Josh Hartnett is in it is entirely coincidental. For some unknown reason, the last 5 minutes of this film really gets to me. Might be something about the sight of men crying. I also like the explosions, but thats for another blog.

3. Into The Wild
Even though I had a feeling it was coming, when Chris McCandless dies, it made me sad. You wanted to think that he could live forever in this existence, but that was not how it was meant to be. To make matters worse, when he decides he wants to go back to his family, he is no longer in the state to be able to do it. At least he didn't die getting mauled by bears or something. It's made all the more sad by the fact its based on a true story. And Emile Hirsch is just too convincing in this role.

2. Armageddon
I must have seen this film approx 302,459 times. And I still cry at the ending. Every single time. Except the very first time I saw it. When I got angry, because I thought it was a contrived effort to make it clear to everyone that Bruce Willis was the star of this movie. And not Ben Affleck. After I got over my cynicism, the waterworks began. I sometimes make myself watch it just to try and make myself not cry at it anymore (I don't really have a life). It never works. Thanks Bruce, for saving the world.

1. Brokeback Mountain
Heath Ledger is bloody brilliant. Jake Gyllenhaal is too, don't get me wrong. But Heath is more brilliant. In fact, one of the most brilliant people ever. I mention this because if Mr Ledger was not as brilliant as previously mentioned, this film would not be half as affecting as it is. You get wrapped up in the whole relationship, and kinda of forget this is actually a film, and that the leads are, or at least as far as I know, of the hetero persuasion. I was genuinely sad they don't get to live happily ever after in Hollywood land. "I wish I knew how to quit you!"

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