Thursday 8 October 2009

WTF: He's Just Not That Into You

What happens when you hire too many big names and forget to write an actual plot? Well, this film happens. The whole thing seems like random scenes depicting woman as crazy, neurotic and marriage obsessed, while the men just float around calling the shots. Even the scenes depicting the 'happy endings' come about because the man has decided that now is the time.
For something which purports to be depicting situations that the audience can relate to, I can honestly say I do not know anyone who is anything like any of the female characters presented. Admittedly, the male characters are exactly like many men that everyone has come across at some point.
By the time all the main characters (although, using the word characters is a little misleading, as it suggests they are part of some actual narrative) have been introduced, you know exactly how the film is going to end, roughly two hours later. Nothing happens within this time to make you think otherwise. In fact, not a lot happens within this time at all. As mentioned earlier, it suffers from a severe lack of plot.
The only upside of this film is Bradley Cooper. Unfortunately, this is just due to his presence in the film, and not due to any particular contribution. This is a little harsh though, as nooone has much acting to do. This must have been the easiest pay packet that any of them have ever received.
There are plenty of much smarter rom-coms around. Watch them instead.
Although not all of them feature Bradley Cooper...


  1. It's based on a book that is not a novel but almost a self-help guide. If you didn't like the film, read the book and the film will seem Oscar-winning. It's amazing the filmmakers even managed to get a movie out of it. It goes email to man - 'he works away a lot' - man responds 'he's not interested' and that's it!

    I liked the film - purely for the Gigi/Barman relationship. It is the American version of Love Actually and if they didn't try to be 'loyal' to the book, I think it would have been very good!

  2. I'll be giving the book a miss, too!

  3. Calling it 'the American version of Love Actually' is the most incorrect statement ever! Love Actually has charm, a more integrated structure and seems to actually be working towards something as a collective. HJNTIY is fully of meaningless, stereotypical nonsense that isn't even carried out well. Whether it's the book or the film; there is a severe lacking in substance.
